Installing WordPress on Windows Plesk This Article will show you How to Install WordPress on Windows Plesk To install a new WordPress instance, go to...
Database User Permissions in Windows Plesk If you use MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server, you can manage permissions for database users through the Plesk UI, such...
Configuring PHP for Virtual Directories in Windows Plesk This Article will show you how to Configure PHP for Virtual Directories in Windows Plesk To select PHP version for...
Creating Virtual Directories in Windows Plesk 1. Go to Websites & Domains and find the website’s domain name. 2. Click Virtual Directories. You are in your web site...
Setting Up Custom Error Pages on Windows Plesk To configure the web server to show custom error pages for a site or a directory within a site: ...
How to Create an Email Alias in Windows Plesk This article will show you How to Create an Email Alias in Windows Plesk Step 1. Log into Plesk Step...
How to Create an Email Forwarder in Windows Plesk This article will show you How to Create an Email Forwarder in Windows Plesk Step 1. Log into Plesk Step...