cPanel: What’s the difference between Addon Domains, Subdomains and Domain Aliases? This article provides you with information on different domain types. Addon domains Addon domains are completely different...
What is I/O usage? I/O is short for “input/output.” In the context of a hosting account, it’s the “throughput” or speed of data transfer...
What is high memory usage? Memory is your Web server’s most crucial resource, which serves multiple, related purposes: Website data loaded into RAM loads most...
What is high CPU usage / load CPU represents the number of central processing units (CPUs) available to your account to process requests. This ranges from loading...
What’s my public IP address ? This article provides you with your public IP address. What is an IP Address A public IP address is a...
What are the differences between a Reseller and End-user account This article will explain the differences between the reseller and end-user hosting packages. WHM is a reseller control panel....
What is the difference between a VPS and a Dedicated Server What is a VPS? A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a partitioning of a physical server into multiple virtual servers....
Domains: What is an EPP / Authorization code? This article provides you with information regarding domain EPP/ Authorization codes. An ‘Authorisation or EPP code’ provides an...
Domains: What is a registry, registrar and registrant ? This article provides you with information regarding domains terminology. When you register a domain there are always three parties involved;...
Domains: What is Domain forwarding or Pointing ? This article provides you with information regarding domain forwarding or pointing. Domain forwarding or pointing is the rerouting of a...