Cloud Backup: How to do a full recovery of your server This article provides you with information on how to restore your whole server using 1-grid Cloud Storage. Step 1– Login...
SpamTitan: How do I login? This article provides you with information on how to login to your Spam Titan Firewall. Step 1– Login to your...
What to do if you cant find your sent items in Outlook After you send an email message, you might want to find that email and resend it or forward it to...
How to do a continuous ping in Windows, Linux, and MacOS Continuous ping in Windows 7, 8, and 10 Step 1: Open the Windows command prompt. One way of doing this is...
Plesk: How do I login via Customer Zone ? This article provides you with steps to login to your Plesk Control panel. Step 1- Login to your 1-grid...
Domains: DNS Cache Flush This article provides you with steps to flush DNS cache. Sometimes a bad DNS entry will be cached and...
Why do I have to pay a service reactivation fee ? This article provides you with information regarding our reactivation fee. 1-grid strives to provide the best possible service to all...
What should I do if my site is hacked? Remove the content the hacker uploaded to your website. This may be a complex process as it may not be...
What is an SSL certificate and why do I need it? This article provides you with information on SSL Certificates. SSL is the backbone of our secure Internet and it protects...
SSL: What type of Certificate do I need ? This article provides you with information to assist you purchasing the SSL best suited for you needs. We have...