This quick guide will take you through the steps of installing WordPress within cPanel.
Please note that you will not see this in a domain parking package. You will need to ensure that you’ve logged in to the correct account or upgrade your domain parking package to a hosting account.
Step 1. Log in to cPanel
Step 2. Click on “WordPress”
Step 3. On the new page please click on “install”
You will now see the following page asking you for some information. Please make the necessary changes.
Step 4. Enter the details you wish to use to login to the admin section of WordPress. Please remove the “wp” from the directory field.
Now it is time to install it. Click on the “Install” button at the bottom.
You should see the following during installation:
Once it’s done you are now ready to login and start designing your website!
You can follow the link given to you and use your admin user and password that you set up a few moments ago.